
Everyone have their limits in everything don't they? So am I! I have my limits! When people cross that limit, I'll burst. I'm going to be really mad! Like now.. I really dislike people who take me for granted. Huh! Am I that easy? Seriously, I'm asking you, am I that easy to play with? Just because I said I don't mind doesn't mean I'm okay with it. Just because I don't get angry easily doesn't mean I won't get angry. Just because I help you once doesn't mean I want to help you twice. Get it? No? Pfft. People nowadays are lack of common courtesy. Acting bossy and stuff without thinking about other people's feeling. Please la. On this earth, you are nobody! So don't act like you're somebody. I don't live to serve you! Understand? So please.. Don't make me put on a pokerface because I hate putting it on. I don't want to be a hypocrite. Don't make me! *sigh* I don't think I can ever be a good person in this life if this goes on. What a cruel world we're living in. Ugh. Whatever la. Screw it!

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